If You Like Scones, You’re Going To Be Delighted With These Covered In Orange Drizzle

As a school teacher, I always have very busy mornings throughout most of the year. When things finally settle down in the summertime, I like to take full advantage of everything I can. I finally get to relax and enjoy breakfast with my family instead of rushing out the door with a cup of coffee and a granola bar. I like to make them a fresh breakfast whenever I can, and when the season is right, I can do just that. One of my favorite things to make are pastries, mainly because my kids love them.

These strawberry scones with orange drizzle that I found on Just A Pinch became a quick family favorite after I made them the first time. The whole batch got gobbled right up. My husband even ate one and then took one for the road.

He called me on his lunch break to tell me how much he enjoyed them and asked if I could make them again that weekend when his cousin was going to be in town for a golf tournament. Sure, no problem!

I did make these again that weekend, but in a much bigger batch. I knew that the men on my husband’s golf team were not going to be able to eat just one, and I didn’t want to run out before everyone was satisfied. I made sure to sneak a few out for the kids that were still sleeping. They went fantastically with a nice cup of coffee. I enjoyed mine out on the patio after the golf team had left and before the kids got up. That reminded me of how much I truly enjoy my time off. I love my job, but you cant’ beat that!

For Ingredients And Complete Cooking Instructions Please Head On Over To Next Page Or Open button (>) and don’t forget to SHARE with your Facebook friends

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