+To prepare the German chocolate cake
°4 ounces (114 g) German baker’s chocolate, melted
°4 ounces (114g) warm water
°4 large eggs (68 g) (white and yolk separated) at room temperature
°340 gm all-purpose flour
°1 teaspoon baking soda
°Quarter teaspoon of salt
°227gm soft unsalted butter
°14 oz (397 g) icing sugar
°1 teaspoon vanilla extract
°8 ounces (227 g) of milk
°4 oz (114 g) vegetable oil
+For stuffing coconut and beef
°4 eggs (72 g) yolks
°340 gm evaporated milk
°Two tsp vanilla extract
° ounces (284 g) icing sugar or brown sugar for a richer flavour
°6 oz (170 g) butter
°7 ounces (198g) coconut flakes
°7 ounces (198 g) chopped pecans
°Half a teaspoon of salt
+To make the Chocolate Swiss Meringue Butter
°114 grams of fresh egg white
°16 oz (454 g) icing sugar
°24 oz (454 g) soft unsalted butter
°4 ounces (114 g) German baker’s chocolate, melted and cooled to 90 degrees
°Half a teaspoon of salt
°Two teaspoons of vanilla extract