Cute Puppy Cupcakes!!!

What’s the Project? These little dog cupcakes are anything but difficult to make and ideal for a youngster’s birthday celebration! Enhance each adorable little doggy canine cupcake with candy, charming eyes, and fun icing and you have an ideal treat to make the birthday kid grin! My whole family loves this recipe so much.

My spot confronted, soft cheeked child turned 6 a week ago, disregarding me demanding he quit growing up. Time is getting past me and there doesn’t appear to be anything I can do to back it off. Once in a while it’s difficult to make time to appreciate the little minutes with him since his more seasoned siblings have me so bustling running them to works on, supervising their schoolwork, and getting their stinky socks. I would prefer not to miss the little, sweet snapshots of his youth!

I would prefer not to miss the little, sweet snapshots of my most youthful’s adolescence, yet with his birthday coming up I understood he had missed an extraordinary snapshot of adolescence! I’ll walk you through how to make every one of these little dog cupcakes and afterward you can take a stab at anything you desire!To Make this Recipe You’Il Need the following ingredients:


Frosting I used white, chocolate and peanut butter buttercream-recipe below

Wilton Edible Eyes

Wilton Frosting Bags

Wilton Frosting Tips I used a variety of different ones, but here are some to try

Chocolate cookies like Oreos

Pink candy to make tongues I used Frootie Tootsie Rolls

Nutter Butters Minis

Oreo Minis

Chocolate Tootsie Rolls

Black Jelly Beans


Start decorating! Really, there’s not a lot of rhyme or reason to this-just do what you think would look cute!

Play around with it a little bit.

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